Cider Transmontana Alfa

Sidra Alfa craft cider in “Wines to Discover”

Sidra Alfa craft cider, participated in the event “Wines to Discover” held at Mercado Ferreira Borges, in Porto, on the 10th and 11th of June and again on the 25th and 26th of September 2021.

Sidra Alfa ,  in June 2021

In June 2021 it was the first event in which we participated, after the confinement.

In this event, we made known and tasted Sidra Alfa craft cider to the public that went through the event.

The two days that the event took place were very intense with a lot of people visiting the event.

During these days, the feedback we received from the public regarding our cider was very positive and encouraging.

Thus, our objectives achieved in this event. However, we have already defined new ones, and we are very determined on our path.

In September 2021

In September 2021, Sidra Alfa   participated again in the Wines to Discover event.

At this event, we continue the path of making your brand and your taste known to the participants.

The feedback that the  Sidra Alfa  was getting from the entire public was always very positive, despite being an innovative taste for the Portuguese palate.

As usual, the quality of the Alfa range is one of the characteristics most highlighted by the participants, which is a source of pride for us.

Sidra Alfa - presented at the show Sidra Alfa - Producer Duarte Moura

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